A Guide On Respite Care Services

Is your grandma or grandpa finding it difficult to live on their own safely? Learn more about different assisted living facilities.

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Finding a nursing home place for Grandma

My grandma is just the sweetest person. She has been finding it really hard to live by herself since my grandfather died, as she seems to struggles with lots of the day-to-day tasks she needs to do, like pouring drinks. She is also quite lonely now. We have been looking for an assisted living facility for a while, and we've found a place that looks really great for her. It has a book club and a knitting group as well as some lovely gardens to relax in. This blog is all about finding assisted living facilities for elderly relatives or friends.


A Guide On Respite Care Services

22 April 2022
, Blog

Most seniors and their families do not quite comprehend the respite care concept. As such, they often forego the service, not knowing it can significantly alleviate the health of their loved ones. Below is an extract detailing how respite care works and what to look for in a respite care service

How Does Respite Care Work? 

Respite care is an arrangement where a senior receives temporary care from an experienced caregiver. Typically, respite care can be offered at the senior's home or a respite care facility. Several situations could prompt a senior to seek respite care services. They include; 

  • When their primary caregiver is engaged or wishes to take a break.
  • When a patient leaves a hospital, but their primary caregiver cannot offer non-medical assistance needed to help the senior transition into their home.
  • When an able senior is temporarily ill and needs assistance with housekeeping tasks and personal hygiene. For instance, they could have suffered a fracture or an infectious illness.
  • When a senior needs to receive care outside the home environment. Remember, the respite care facilities have other seniors who offer companionship and support to each other. 

What To Look For In A Respite Care Service

Below are some tips to help you find a respite care service: 

  • Check the facility's location. In some cases, you could opt for a facility close to your home to ensure family members have an easy time visiting.
  • Examine the respite care facility's specialisation. For instance, some respite care centres could strictly admit patients with cancer or those with mental conditions.
  • Conduct a background search on the respite care facility. For example, does the service have an experienced team? Do caregivers offer personalised services to clients? Do caregivers treat clients with respect?
  • Assess the range of services provided by the respite care facility. The secret is to consider respite care services offering a wide range of services.
  • What is the centre's affiliation? For instance, while some centres are run by individuals, others are run by non-governmental organisations or religious groups.
  • Can you afford the respite costs? Some service providers do not charge. Others offer discounted services, while some impose standard caregiving costs. 

If you want to receive care in a respite facility, examine the accommodation arrangements. For instance, will you live in your room or a hostel? Does the respite care facility allow independence? For example, you could want to make your own meals. Finally, examine the service terms. For instance, inquire when to make payments. Moreover, check whether you can choose a caregiver from the facility's team.